National Insurance with TYPO3

"Since its founding in 1836 the Provinzial Rhineland ist located in its main area of business, Germany's Rhineland. As a public insurer the corporation is part of the Sparkassenfinanzgruppe with its operational area in the administrative districts of Dusseldorf, Cologne, Koblenz and Trier."

National Insurance with TYPO3


The Provinzial Rhineland is one of the leading German insurance companies and is the market leader in its business area. About 2,100 full-time employees in the Düsseldorf headquarters and 2,500 insurance professionals in 630 offices and 46 active in the insurance business involved for around two million customers in the districts of Dusseldorf, Cologne, Koblenz and Trier. With nearly 6 million insurance contracts, the provincial achieved premium income of over 2.5 billion euros annually.


If you are looking for information, press photos or videos around the Provinzial Rhineland, the new newsroom website of the company now offers detailed materials and background reports of the insurance company and the industry, for journalists, customers, business partners, but also to all interested parties. The Provinzial Newsroom was designed as a media portal and summarizes all communication media of the company on a web page together clearly. Press releases can for example be subscribed to via RSS feed or via Facebook, Twitter and more widely via email. Also new is a video and image database with a direct download function in print quality. The category "Trivia" also informs about current issues in the insurance industry. In addition, the portal provides a wealth of information for the group structure of the Provinzial Rhineland, and the composition of the Board and the committees.


The TYPO3 website has been developed responsive and is able to dynamically adapt to different screen resolutions. The Provinzial Newsroom, in addition to the usual desktop computers, is also accessible for tablets and smartphones. A specially developed Open Graph import extension can import articles of any news site and portal in TYPO3 and imports these to the news extension. If a third-party website doesn't follow the open graph standard, the extension offers various fallback routines to ensure the import of the article. Due to the large amount of possible programmings and plattforms a special control module for the Open Graph import was also developed. With this module portal editors can simply "click and save" a certain ruleset for a website. The rules are stored for further articles of this news website.

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